Donald Stark's Story

Claret for Clara

September 13, 2012

How delightful is it that Google is celebrating trailblazer Clara Schumann today!  If she were alive today — at a perky 193 — how her heart would light up to hear all the adventurous women composers and performers of our generation. 
In her day, Chopin and Liszt got all the press, but Clara was a renowned lioness at the keys. 
Not only was she a fine composer in her own right; she was also muse to two Giants of Romanticism: husband Robert and lifetime love Brahms, both of who she supported artistically and financially.  (Make of this what you will, but disconsolate Brahms shuffled off his mortal coil less than a year after Clara passed away.)
So… decant some Claret and raise a glass to Clara.

Categories:   Composers, Brahms, Chopin, Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann

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